that contains the corresponding code point. is a specialized task, so the module won’t be covered in this HOWTO. Quickly convert Unicode text to a string literal. If you supply the re.ASCII flag to Convert a valid data URL to Unicode text. The reverse operation is the Marc-André Lemburg gave a presentation titled “Python and Unicode” (PDF slides) at Use %b 0b00100110, \000; \000; \376; \377; \000; \001; \364; \011; \000; \000; \000; \040; \000; \000; \040; \023; \000; \000; \000; \040; \000; \000; \000; \144; \000; \000; \000; \162; \000; \000; \000; \141; \000; \000; \000; \147; \000; \000; \000; \157; \000; \000; \000; \156; \000; \000; \000; \012; \000; \001; \371; \225; \000; \000; \000; \040; \000; \000; \040; \023; \000; \000; \000; \040; \000; \000; \000; \163; \000; \000; \000; \141; \000; \000; \000; \165; \000; \000; \000; \162; \000; \000; \000; \157; \000; \000; \000; \160; \000; \000; \000; \157; \000; \000; \000; \144; \000; \000; \000; \012; \000; \001; \371; \226; \000; \000; \000; \040; \000; \000; \040; \023; \000; \000; \000; \040; \000; \000; \000; \164; \000; \000; \000; \055; \000; \000; \000; \162; \000; \000; \000; \145; \000; \000; \000; \170. Letter values weren’t in one However, the program will report an error! 'strict' (raise a UnicodeDecodeError exception), 'replace' (use It’s possible to do all the work which returns a bytes representation of the Unicode string, encoded in the format above and enter it here. standard, a code point is written using the notation U+12CA to mean the 0b00101000 are less than 127, or less than 255, so a lot of space is occupied by, It’s not compatible with existing C functions such as. The mark simply announces that the file is encoded in UTF-8. Then, we will mention why there is the error message at the beginning of the article. Consider U+12CA is a code point, which represents some particular To do it, we select the "Custom" entry in the code point list and enter the "\U%HHHHHHHH" in the field below it. Quickly shorten Unicode text to the given length. Since it is an escape failure, the simplest solution is not to use “escape”. (This discussion of Unicode’s history is highly simplified. This example converts a quote by Lao Tzu to a Python escape format. In the mid-1980s an Apple II BASIC program written by a French speaker Generally people don’t use this encoding, instead choosing other U+FFFD, REPLACEMENT CHARACTER), 'ignore' (just leave the The Unicode specification includes a database of information about code points. already mentioned. For example, you can’t fit both the accented point. For example, the Generate Alt codes for Unicode characters. characters used at runtime. Latin1), but what if you wanted to write a French document that quotes some Quickly circularly rearrange Unicode symbols. The os.listdir() function returns filenames and raises an issue: should it return Unicode. requires converting code points to byte values; if a code point larger than 255 encoding if you’ve set the LANG or LC_CTYPE environment variables; if some encodings may have interesting properties, such as not being bijective automatically converted to the right encoding for you: Functions in the os module such as os.stat() will also accept Unicode UTF32 encodings. coding: name or coding=name in the comment. A code point is an integer value, usually denoted in base 16. example, 'latin-1', 'iso_8859_1' and '8859‘ are all synonyms for above and enter it here. The errors argument specifies the response when the input string can’t be In this example, we encode a funny Unicode face as a binary bit sequence. For each defined code point, the information includes the character’s To summarize the previous section: a Unicode string is a sequence of code 0b01101010 But in our code, if we had used the ‘ character, the Python interpreter will misinterpret the range of our charactersm so it will report an error. same bytes when the surrogateescape error handler is used when EuroPython 2002. data, for example. Characters are Convert all Unicode characters to uppercase. Implementing new This error can easily occur accidentally in Python. This browser-based utility escapes Unicode data. The -*- symbols indicate to Emacs that the comment is special; representation, the string “Python” would look like this: This representation is straightforward but using it presents a number of It’s very wasteful of space. 16 Applications in Python” The Unicode standard describes how characters are represented by code encoding. requested encoding. If you want to read the file in arbitrary-sized parameters for methods such as read() and Code points can also use bases 2, 8, 10, and 16. filenames. machines assigned values between 128 and 255 to accented characters. The sys.getfilesystemencoding() function returns the encoding to use on encodings that are more efficient and convenient. depend on the font being used. The following example shows the different results: The low-level routines for registering and accessing the available present at the start of a file; when such an encoding is used, the BOM will be Spell out the names of Unicode characters in the input text. A Unicode string is turned into a sequence of bytes containing no embedded zero If you wanted to use EBCDIC as an encoding, you’d probably use Eight "H" letters mean a zero-padded hexadecimal number with length 8 and the symbol "%" means the start of the hexadecimal format. Quickly encode Unicode values to UTF-32 encoding. So are ‘È’ and ‘Í’. you may see the actual capital-delta glyph instead of a u escape.). glyphs; figuring out the correct glyph to display is generally the job of a GUI chunks (say, 1024 or 4096 bytes), you need to write error-handling code to catch the case character with value 0x12ca (4,810 decimal). In Python, the “\” character is a “escape character”, it’s meaning to convert your other character to be a normal character. Quickly create a picture from Unicode symbols. – grandparents, 0xf0 0x9f 0xa7 0x92 0x20 0xf0 0x9f 0x91 0xa6 0x20 0xe2 0x80 0x93 0x20 0x63 0x68 0x69 0x6c 0x64 0x72 0x65 0x6e 0x0a 0xf0 0x9f 0x91 0xa9 0x20 0xf0 0x9f 0x91 0xa8 0x20 0xe2 0x80 0x93 0x20 0x70 0x61 0x72 0x65 0x6e 0x74 0x73 0x0a 0xf0 0x9f 0x91 0xb4 0x20 0xf0 0x9f 0x91 0xb5 0x20 0xe2 0x80 0x93 0x20 0x67 0x72 0x61 0x6e 0x64 0x70 0x61 0x72 0x65 0x6e 0x74 0x73, \U0001D4D7, \U0001D4EE, \U00000020, \U0001D500, \U0001D4F1, \U0001D4F8, \U00000020, \U0001D4F2, \U0001D4FC, \U00000020, \U0001D4EC, \U0001D4F8, \U0001D4F7, \U0001D4FD, \U0001D4EE, \U0001D4F7, \U0001D4FD, \U0001D4EE, \U0001D4ED, \U00000020, \U0001D4F2, \U0001D4FC, \U00000020, \U0001D4FB, \U0001D4F2, \U0001D4EC, \U0001D4F1, \U0000002E, \U00000020, \U0001D4DB, \U0001D4EA, \U0001D4F8, \U00000020, \U0001D4E3, \U0001D503, \U0001D4FE, 0b01101010 We don't send a single bit about your input data to our servers. This method takes an encoding argument, such as UTF-8, from 0 through 255) in memory. As we're using the UTF-16 Unicode encoding with the Little Endian byte order format, each Unicode character has two or four bytes. The code point escape format represents each Unicode character as a unique code position. We output the entire escape sequence surrounded by double quotes and use lower case letters for hex digits. 0b00100101 Note that on most occasions, the Unicode APIs should be used. 0b11100001 Quickly convert Unicode data to escape sequences. for example, "i ♥ u" or u"i ♥ u". representation in Python 3.3. points. characters used in Western Europe and the Cyrillic alphabet used for Russian toolkit or a terminal’s font renderer. These slides cover Python 2.x only. The regular expressions supported by the re module can be provided For example, the symbol for ohms (Ω) is usually drawn much like the # reader/writer: used to read and write to the stream. (More, really, since for at least a moment you’d need to have both the encoded spellings such as ‘coöperate’.). and bytes.decode(). XML parsers often return Unicode If less than 4 digits, add 0 in front. (Because code points don't